How Long Do Your Solar Panels Last?

The interest in solar panels is growing in the US and worldwide. More and more homeowners are looking into solar to supplement or even replace their normal electric supply. To fully understand solar power and know what you’re signing up for, it’s important to know how long your solar panels will last.  In this guide,…


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The interest in solar panels is growing in the US and worldwide. More and more homeowners are looking into solar to supplement or even replace their normal electric supply. To fully understand solar power and know what you’re signing up for, it’s important to know how long your solar panels will last. 

sunset over solar panels to accompany the blog post on how long do your solar panels last
Wonder how long before the sun finally sets on your solar panels? Find out below!

In this guide, we’ll give you a straight answer (spoiler: between 20 and 30 years), but we’ll also discuss what makes the difference and how to ensure a longer lifespan. This way, you’ll know what to expect and how to make the most out of your solar panel system. 

Explaining the Lifespan of Solar Panels

The lifespan of solar panels refers to the duration they can effectively generate electricity. Understanding this is crucial for homeowners who want to make a long-term investment in renewable energy. It also helps you understand why getting solar is worth it.  

Several factors influence the longevity of solar panels. First and foremost there’s the quality of the panels themselves. Higher-quality panels often come with better materials and manufacturing processes, resulting in a longer lifespan. So, investing in reputable brands and trusted manufacturers is a smart move. 

But that’s not all. Maintenance plays a vital role too. Like any other equipment, solar panels need regular care and upkeep to ensure optimal performance and extend their lifespan. Routine inspections, cleaning, and addressing minor issues go a long way in keeping your panels in tip-top shape. 

Environmental conditions also have an impact. Extreme temperatures, humidity, and even the amount of sunlight in your region can affect how long your solar panels last. Areas with harsh weather conditions might experience more wear and tear on the panels, while milder climates can offer a gentler environment that makes your panels last longer. 

By understanding these factors you can make informed decisions about the quality of panels you choose, the maintenance routine you establish, and the considerations you take regarding your local environment. This will help you maximize the lifespan of your solar panels. 

Average Lifespan of Solar Panels

Let’s dive into the average lifespan of different types to give you a clearer picture of what to expect from your investment. 

Monocrystalline solar panels, known for their efficiency and sleek appearance, typically have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. These panels are made from a single crystal structure, allowing them to perform even in limited sunlight conditions. With proper care and maintenance, they can power your home for decades. 

Polycrystalline solar panels have a slightly shorter average lifespan of around 20 to 25 years. These panels are made from multiple silicon crystals, which makes them less expensive to produce but also slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels. Still, they’re a popular choice among homeowners due to their cost-effectiveness.

Thin-film solar panels offer a different technology altogether. They are made by depositing thin layers of photovoltaic material onto a substrate, resulting in flexible and lightweight panels. While thin-film panels are less efficient compared to crystalline panels, they still have an average lifespan of about 20 years. These panels can be a great option if you have limited roof space or for aesthetic considerations.

Now let’s back up these claims with some concrete data. According to industry research and studies, the average degradation rate of solar panels is around 0.5% per year. This means that after 25 years, most panels will still operate at about 87.5% of their original efficiency. 

solar panels on a tiled roof
Even after their official lifespan, solar panels still work.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Lifespan

Time to explore some key factors that can influence the lifespan of your solar panels. By understanding these factors, you can take proactive steps to optimize the longevity of your investment.

1. Weather Conditions:

Weather can have a significant impact on your solar panels. While they are designed to withstand various weather elements, extreme conditions like hailstorms, heavy snowfall, or intense heat can cause damage. Inspecting your panels after severe weather events and addressing any issues can help mitigate potential damage and ensure their long-term performance.

2. Maintenance Practices:

Maintaining your solar panels is essential for their longevity. Here are some practical tips to keep in mind:

  – Regular cleaning: Dust, debris, and bird droppings can accumulate on the panels over time, reducing their efficiency. Cleaning your solar panels with water and a soft brush or using a solar panel cleaning kit removes these impurities and optimizes your panels’ energy production.

  – Monitoring performance: Keep an eye on your solar panel’s energy production. If you notice a significant drop in output, it may indicate a potential issue that requires professional attention.

  – Professional inspections: Consider scheduling periodic professional inspections to ensure your panels are in good working condition. 

3. System Design:

Creating and setting up your solar panel system is a crucial factor that can influence how long it lasts. It’s wise to partner with skilled and trustworthy installers who adhere to the highest industry standards. Proper panel anchoring, maintaining good ventilation, and using top-notch wiring, connectors, and cable routing hardware are all key elements to a superbly constructed system.

Paying attention to these details and implementing these suggestions will help you maximize your solar panels’ longevity. Consistent upkeep, immediate repairs when necessary, and an investment in a robust system setup are surefire ways to ensure your panels keep producing clean, renewable energy for many years.

installing a roof-mounted solar panel
Installing solar is a great way to invest in the future.

Signs of Aging Solar Panels

As a diligent homeowner, it’s vital that you know how to spot the signs of wear and tear or aging in your solar panels. Recognizing these signs early allows you to quickly address any problems and keep your solar panel system performing at its best.

1. Reduced Energy Production

One of the earliest signs of aging solar panels is a reduction in energy output. If you start to see a noticeable decrease in the electricity your panels produce over time, it could signal that they’re wearing out. Keeping an eye on your energy production and comparing it with previous performance records will help you spot this.

2. Physical Damage

Make it a habit to periodically check your solar panels for any physical damage. This could include anything from cracks and scratches to other obvious signs of wear. If not addressed promptly, physical damage can cause further decay and hamper the panels’ performance. If you spot any damage, it’s best to get a professional assessment and have it fixed without delay.

3. Discoloration

Discoloration or dark spots on your solar panels can be a warning sign of aging or possible problems. This might be due to dirt accumulation, corrosion, or other factors that prevent the panels from effectively absorbing sunlight. Regular cleaning can help ward off discoloration. But if it continues, it might be necessary to call in a professional to figure out and address the root of the problem.

Regular Monitoring and Inspection

Regular monitoring and inspection are crucial for detecting signs of aging or degradation early on. By establishing a routine to check the performance of your solar panels, you can identify any anomalies or changes in their efficiency. Most inverter companies like Enphase and Solar Edge make this easy through their monitoring platforms. Scheduling professional inspections by qualified technicians can help identify potential issues that aren’t visible to the naked eye. Addressing problems proactively will help you maintain the optimal performance and lifespan of your solar panel system.

Investing in Solar Panel Warranty

When it comes to your solar panel investment, having a reliable warranty is crucial for long-term protection and peace of mind. Let’s dive into the importance of warranty coverage and what you should look for when considering a solar panel warranty.

ground-mounted solar farm installation in foggy conditions

1. Importance of Warranty Coverage:

A warranty is vital as it protects against defects, malfunctions, and potential issues that may arise during your panels’ lifespan. It serves as a guarantee from the manufacturer, assuring you of their commitment to the product’s performance and durability. Having a comprehensive warranty offers financial security and peace of mind in case unexpected circumstances occur.

2. What’s Typically Included in a Solar Panel Warranty:

Solar panel warranties typically have two main components:

   a. Product Warranty: This warranty covers the physical integrity and performance of the panels themselves. It usually lasts between 10 to 25 years, depending on the manufacturer. The product warranty ensures that your panels meet specific performance standards and safeguards against defects that might affect their energy generation capacity.

   b. Performance Warranty: The performance warranty focuses on the panels’ energy output over time. It guarantees a minimum power output level, usually between 80% to 90%, for a specified number of years (e.g., 25 years). If the panels’ performance falls below this guaranteed level, the manufacturer provides compensation or replacement.

3. What to Look for in a Solar Panel Warranty:

Consider the following factors when evaluating solar panel warranties:

   a. Length of Warranty: Longer warranties provide extended coverage and indicate the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s longevity. Look for warranties that offer coverage for at least 25 years, both for the product and performance aspects.

   b. Coverage Terms: Pay attention to the specific terms and conditions outlined in the warranty. Ensure it covers defects, material failures, and significant drops in performance. Look for warranties that include labor costs, as some only cover the cost of replacement parts.

   c. Reputable Manufacturer: Choose solar panels from well-established and reputable manufacturers. They are more likely to honor warranty claims and have a track record of providing reliable customer support.

   d. Transferability: Check if the warranty is transferable. A transferable warranty adds value to your home if you decide to sell it, as the new homeowners can benefit from the remaining warranty period.

Investing in a solar panel warranty that offers comprehensive coverage, a sufficient duration, and clear terms will safeguard your investment and provide long-term protection. Take the time to compare warranties from different manufacturers. Consult with solar energy professionals to make an informed decision.


If you’re thinking about getting solar panels, it’s important to understand how long they can last and what affects their lifespan. Solar panels, depending on their type, can work well for about 20 to 30 years. The life of your panels can be influenced by their quality, how well you look after them, and the weather in your area.

Choosing top-notch products from well-known brands, cleaning and checking them regularly, and thinking about your local weather can help your solar panels last longer. Checking your panels often can help you find any signs of wear and tear early on so that you can keep them working well.

To make sure your investment in a solar panel system is protected, a good warranty can help. You should look for a warranty that covers the panel and how it performs, lasts for a good long while, and has clear terms you can understand.

In short, getting solar panels can provide your home with clean, green energy for many years. By making smart choices and taking good care of your panels, you can really get the most out of this environmentally friendly power source.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do solar panels take to pay for themselves?

Depending on a lot of external factors, it can take between 6-10 years for solar panels to have paid for themselves.

Do solar panels need maintenance?

Yes, maintaining your solar panels includes cleaning and other regular small jobs.

How do you know when solar panels need replacing?

Under normal circumstances, your solar panels should last for tens of years, but they could get damaged in the meantime. Consult a professional when you discover some sort of damage or when the performance suddenly drops.

What happens to solar panels when they expire?

Solar panels don’t simply stop working after the (on average) 25 years of their lifespan. They simply get less and less efficient. Damaged solar panels or those at the end of their lifespan should be recycled.

Do you make money back on solar panels?

There are two ways solar panels earn you money: by saving you on your electric bill (always) and by selling extra electricity to the grid (where applicable).

Do solar panels extend the life of your roof?

Yes, they do. Properly installed solar panels can extend your roof’s lifespan.